How Old Do You Have to be to Have Paypal?

PayPal is a convenient method for purchasing, selling, and sending money. Everything you need to know is right here. Millions of individuals worldwide use PayPal to buy, sell, and send money without fear of financial data being compromised. PayPal is a service that makes Internet transactions as simple as possible. It doesn’t matter if you’re going shopping, dividing bills, or being paid for a job.

According to PayPal, you must be at least 18 years old to open a PayPal account. This restriction is initially because you must be 18 to enter into a legally binding contract. If this weren’t the case, there would be much responsibility because signing up for a PayPal account constitutes a contract. So, regarding PayPal, here’s all you need to know!

paypal for teens

How Old Do You Have to Be to Have PayPal?

To make a PayPal account and use the services, you must be at least 18 years old and a resident of one of the countries/regions mentioned on the PayPal Worldwide website. However, teenagers and children can use PayPal if their parents establish a sub-account.

Before using PayPal, you must agree to a set of terms & conditions. As a user of the PayPal service, you agree to the terms of this user agreement with PayPal Pte. Ltd. To establish a PayPal account and use PayPal services, you must be at least 18 years old or the age of majority in your nation or area of residence, whichever is earlier, to do so. In addition, to establish a PayPal account and use PayPal services, it must be based in one of the countries/regions listed on the Worldwide page.

PayPal’s user agreement requires that to use PayPal, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth therein. In addition, you agree to comply with the policies listed below and by all of the other agreements listed on the Legal Agreements page that relate to you. Therefore, the user agreement, all terms of these policies, and any other arrangements that apply to you should be read carefully.

PayPal may update these terms and conditions from time to time. Unless otherwise specified, the new version will be affected when posted on our website. Whenever we make policy changes that affect your rights or duties, we will post the notice on our website and provide you with at least 14 days’ notice.

By signing up for PayPal’s services, you agree to be bound by the terms of any future policy updates, which will be made available to you on the Legal Agreements page of the PayPal website. In addition, PayPal’s amended terms and conditions require you to cease using its services immediately, close your account, and end all ties with the company free of charge. Your past usage of our services will remain subject to the terms of this agreement.

Can PayPal Find Out Your Age?

PayPal can find out your age via your documentation when creating a PayPal account. Correspondingly, PayPal can check your age with your local bank. However, PayPal will never reveal your age to the public.

If you obtained a PayPal account by lying about your age, you may be held accountable for the amount and could face criminal penalties. Youths are capable of committing fraud and being convicted of it. In a letter, you declare that you were under 18 when you started the PayPal account and that no adult was affiliated with it. They will find out if they see any documentation indicating that you are under 18, such as a driver’s license.

When your child reaches the age of 13, you may create a teen checking account at most banks. Until your child turns 18, one parent is usually obliged to be a joint owner. You can monitor and access this account as a joint owner if you choose to. Your adolescent may keep track of her account in several ways. PayPal will not ask you to verify your account until anything strange happens or you do something odd.

Can a 14-year-old have a PayPal?

In 2022, 14-year-olds or teenagers under 18 will not have a PayPal account. However, several years ago, PayPal offered teen accounts with adult person supervision and control, but this offer does not exist. It is illegal to enter a contract unless you are an emancipated minor.

Today, it is impossible for a teen under 18 to have a PalPal account. Evan, you will get a custodian account, which will be in your custodian’s name.

What Payment Apps Can Minors Use?

Minors can use FamCard to make payments. FamPay eventually provides a cashless experience for teens & minors. FamCard is a debit card that kids can use to make payments without parental advice.

With the FamCard, a numberless card, Fampay provides a cashless option for teens. It’s a debit card that kids may use without a bank account to make online (UPI & P2P) and offline payments. It was co-founded in 2019 by Kush Taneja and Sambhav Jain, both IIT Roorkee grads, and is accessible on Android and iOS devices.

With the FamCard, a numberless card, Fampay provides a cashless option for teens. It’s a debit card that kids may use without a bank account to make online (UPI & P2P) and offline payments. It was co-founded in 2019 by Kush Taneja and Sambhav Jain, both IIT Roorkee grads, and is accessible on Android and iOS devices. The card has no numbers since all the information is recorded on the app. Hence, the kids don’t have to refer to the actual card, and there’s no risk of data theft if it’s stolen or lost.

If stolen, the card may be halted, blocked, and controlled using the app. FamCard contains a Flash PIN for offline transactions created for each transaction. Parents may use the app to give money to their children and keep track of how much they spend. They may also set up a FamPool account, which is a family-wide account that allows them to track where their money is spent. There are no hidden fees or transaction expenses because the account has no balance.

Is there an Alternative to PayPal For Teens?

Unlike PayPal, Junoo is a good alternative for teens. It is a reliable and effective platform for making financial transactions. Many teens worldwide use Junoo to enhance their financial knowledge.

When companies like PayPal prohibit anyone under 18 from accessing their services, teaching children to be financially responsible is not always straightforward. Thankfully, there are a variety of financial alternatives to PayPal that you can use to teach your children about money management and saving. In addition, some of the finest PayPal alternatives for minors allow you to exercise “custodial” control over your children, allowing you to monitor their activities and intervene if they get into trouble. Consider the following possibilities as a starting point.

Junio is a smart card and app for children under 18 to make online and offline transactions. It is built on pocket money and co-founded by former Paytm Senior Vice President Shankar Nath and Ankit Gera. A child does not require a bank account to use this card, and parents may set online spending and ATM cash withdrawal limitations so that children can only spend the amount deposited on the card.

With a minimal KYC, the card has a monthly limit of INR 10,000, while the Junio card has a daily maximum of INR 5,000. With a complete KYC, you can transfer up to INR 1 lakh each month. When the youngster uses the card, the app sends you real-time notifications, and you can keep track of their spending. You can also assign them in-app chores to complete and reward them with extra pocket money. In addition, it educates children about money management, including saving, interest, and compounding.

What is a Better Alternative to PayPal?

Payoneer is a better alternative to PayPal. Because of its low currency conversion rates, Payoneer is a popular alternative to PayPal and Skrill. It also has a prepaid Mastercard that you can use at millions of stores worldwide. In addition, Payoneer transaction fees are almost negligible.

Payoneer is one of the oldest worldwide payment services, and it is currently available in countries such as India, Pakistan, and others. Payoneer allows you to send and receive money from the United States, Europe, Japan, Australia, China, and others. The best thing about Payoneer is that the transaction costs are minimal, so you’ll save a lot of money. Payoneer Review is an excellent place to start if you want to learn more about their services.

Payoneer is one of the most widely used electronic payment services. It was founded simultaneously as PayPal and now works in over 150 countries, much like PayPal. Payoneer offers two types of accounts: one that is free and allows you to withdraw money straight from your bank account, and the other is paid. The other account requires a $29.95 monthly prepaid card exclusively available to people.

Payoneer charges a $1.50 transaction fee for local bank transfers. It also offers a Billing Service, which allows a firm to build a system for requesting payments from clients. Credit cards incur a 3% fee, while debit cards incur a 1% cost. Payoneer is a robust PayPal competitor that offers a wide range of features and services to both people and companies.

Is Venmo Better than PayPal?

Although PayPal owns both services, PayPal is by far the more sophisticated, secure, and safe alternative for processing online payments. Venmo is an excellent option for sending money to friends and family quickly and conveniently. In our opinion, you must try Venmo once.

While both services simplify transmitting money to others, PayPal is more focused on serving as an online payment gateway. As previously noted, PayPal also offers credit card and company finance solutions. Venmo’s principal usage is moving money rapidly between two users, although it is steadily gaining popularity as an online payment platform. It accomplishes this far more easily and quickly than PayPal.

Venmo processes payments using the account’s existing balance or monies from linked bank accounts or credit cards. Both services are available online and via mobile apps. PayPal allows customers to make and request payments online, whereas Venmo only does so through its mobile app. As a result, Venmo is the simplest of the two options for moving money between people. However, because PayPal lacks buyer security, it may not be the best alternative for sending money to strangers.

Who is PayPal’s Biggest Competitor?

Skrill is PayPal’s Biggest Competitor. Skrill is used by many people worldwide. Skrill offers fewer transaction charges and provides a great user experience. In addition, Skrill has all the capabilities to surplus PayPal.

Skrill is an international multi-currency payment processing business. Pay Safe Group purchased it in 2015 for $1.08 billion. Skrill charges a transaction fee of 2.9 percent, whereas PayPal receives 4.5 percent. However, because retailers widely use PayPal, it is easier for customers to utilize it instead of Skrill.

Skrill is great for private users since it has no deposit or withdrawal fees. It costs 2.99 percent to 3.99 percent for conversions but does not charge for cross-border transactions, whereas PayPal charges 0.5 percent to 7.4 percent. Both platforms are pretty stable and well-matched.

Can I Use a Fake Date Of Birth on PayPal?

No, you cannot use a fake DOB on PayPal. If you do, you might have a big problem, and your PayPal account might get banned.  

If your date of birth indicates that you are under 18, you cannot open a PayPal account. Suppose you set up an account with a bogus DOB. In that case, you’ll have problems when PayPal requests verification papers. However, they promise they’ll do it when you reach specific criteria for receiving and withdrawing money.

Unfortunately, you cannot modify your date of birth using PayPal. Using the Name Change website is one approach to submit the necessary papers and remedy the problem. This method also works to modify your date of birth; after that, you must wait for PayPal to examine the information.

PayPal has developed a student program that allows parents to create a sub-account for their children to monitor and send money. When finances are needed, parents deposit monies into the sub-account on a one-time or ongoing basis, and children are only allowed to spend what is in it.

Does PayPal Still Offer Student Accounts?

PayPal does not offer Student Accounts anymore. PayPal Student Accounts and PayPal Student Debit MasterCard are closed. In 2016, PayPal discontinued student accounts.

PayPal Student accounts will no longer make online transactions on September 29, 2016, and will be closed on November 15, 2016. Any funds remaining in the Student account after November 15, 2016, will be transferred to the parent’s PayPal account.

They are not releasing a substitute for PayPal Student Accounts and Debit Mastercard. However, they will continue to look for new methods to assist our younger demographic in the future. If students are over 18, they are encouraged to get a PayPal account to use its services, such as sending, receiving, and spending money online and in shops. They value your patronage and regret any trouble this has caused you.


Overall, PayPal is a secure & safe platform for financial transactions. However, financial responsibility is a difficult skill to master. Unfortunately, it is not taught in schools. As a result, parents and families need to provide their children with a sound financial education. An excellent place to start is opening a checking or savings account for your child.

There are various ways for youngsters to earn money online if they wish to learn more. It is a significant first step toward financial stability. Teens can start using the teen financial platform mentioned in this post. We hope you have acknowledged everything about PayPal.

Daniel Smith

Daniel Smith

Daniel Smith is an experienced economist and financial analyst from Utah. He has been in finance for nearly two decades, having worked as a senior analyst for Wells Fargo Bank for 19 years. After leaving Wells Fargo Bank in 2014, Daniel began a career as a finance consultant, advising companies and individuals on economic policy, labor relations, and financial management. At, Daniel writes about personal finance topics, value estimation, budgeting strategies, retirement planning, and portfolio diversification. Read more on Daniel Smith's biography page. Contact Daniel:

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