Do You Get Paid During the Fellowship? – Salary List in 2024!

Fellowships are structured programs that allow individuals to gain practical experience, enhance their skills, and contribute to a specific industry or field. While the concept of a fellowship can vary across industries, it generally involves competitive and prestigious programs that offer valuable learning and networking opportunities.

Medical Fellowship example

In academia, fellowships are commonly offered to graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, or scholars who wish to research or contribute to a specific academic discipline. These fellowships often provide funding, mentorship, and access to resources to support research projects, teaching, or professional development.

Government fellowships are aimed at individuals interested in working within public administration, policy development, or government agencies. These programs groom future leaders by providing hands-on experience, exposure to policymaking processes, and opportunities to address societal issues.

Non-profit organizations and foundations offer fellowships to individuals passionate about social causes or specific areas such as environmental conservation, poverty alleviation, or human rights. These fellowships involve working on projects, conducting research, or developing initiatives to address social challenges.

Fellowships are commonly offered in the healthcare industry to medical professionals seeking specialization in a particular field. These programs provide advanced training, clinical experience, and research opportunities to further cardiology, oncology, or pediatrics expertise.

Technology companies and research institutions offer fellowships to individuals interested in advancing technology and innovation. These programs may focus on artificial intelligence, data science, cybersecurity, or software development. Participants work on cutting-edge projects, collaborate with experts, and gain exposure to industry trends.

In the arts and culture sector, fellowships support individuals pursuing careers in visual arts, performing arts, literature, or creative writing. These programs provide financial support, a dedicated studio or workspace, mentorship, exhibitions, performances, and publication opportunities.

You can learn about the Fellowship Doctor Salary in our articles and see the Pediatric Surgery Fellowships List. I answered Do You Get Paid During Medical School and, {Overall, Do You Get Paid During the Fellowship? Please read How Long Is Pediatric Surgery Fellowship and understand the differences between Residency vs. Fellowship.

Do You Get Paid During the Fellowship?

Yes, you will usually be paid during the fellowship. Most fellowships provide a stipend or salary to cover living expenses, while others may offer a more substantial financial package that includes benefits and allowances. 

Fellowships are specialized, often highly coveted, programs that offer professionals a unique chance to delve deeply into their field of interest, refine their skills, and make meaningful contributions to their sector. They often come with many benefits, including specialized training, networking opportunities, research opportunities, and financial compensation. This article will discuss the typical fellowship salaries across multiple industries.

Medical Fellowships salary

In the medical field, fellowships are commonly pursued after residency training. Fellowships are specialty training periods that allow doctors to focus on a specific area of medicine. Based on our research in 2024, the salary of a fellowship doctor can range from $50K to $80K. However, the salary can vary significantly, depending on the area of specialty, geographical location, and the hospital or institution offering the fellowship.

Academic Fellowships salary

In academia, fellowships are frequently associated with postdoctoral research or faculty positions. Postdoctoral fellowship salaries can range widely, but the National Institutes of Health (NIH) suggests a stipend starting at around $55,000 as of 2024 for first-year postdocs. This can increase with experience and years spent in the fellowship. For faculty fellowships, the compensation depends on the individual’s knowledge, the university’s prestige, and the field of study. The average annual salary can range from $50,000 to $85,000.

Legal Fellowships salary

Legal fellowships often allow new law school graduates to gain practical experience and work on substantive matters. These fellows can expect to earn anywhere from $47,000 to $75,000 per year, with those in large law firms or significant cities often earning at the upper end of the scale. It’s worth noting that these salaries may pale compared to traditional associate roles at substantial law firms. Still, the experience and specialized knowledge often prove valuable to the fellows’ career trajectory.

Tech Industry Fellowships salary

Fellowships in the tech industry can be pretty diverse, including positions in data science, artificial intelligence, and software development. Tech fellows often earn competitive salaries due to the high demand for these skill sets. For example, a data science fellow could earn between $65,000 and $94,000 annually, depending on the location and the company’s size and prestige. An AI research fellowship, on the other hand, could yield a six-figure salary, especially at well-known institutions like Google, Facebook, or OpenAI.

Non-profit and Public Policy Fellowships salary

Fellows in the non-profit and public policy sectors often work on issues of social justice, community development, environmental protection, and policy analysis. These fellowships usually provide modest salaries, reflecting the non-profit industry’s general compensation trends. As of 2024, salaries typically range from $32,000 to $53,000 annually. These positions are often highly competitive due to their opportunities for impact and influence in critical societal matters.


While the financial aspect of fellowships is a critical consideration, it’s important to remember that the primary purpose of these programs is to provide comprehensive learning and growth opportunities in a specialized field. Often, the experience and connections gained through a fellowship can prove much more valuable than the monetary compensation, helping to propel one’s career to new heights. Nonetheless, understanding industry standards for fellowship salaries can be helpful for potential applicants as they consider their options.


Daniel Smith

Daniel Smith

Daniel Smith is an experienced economist and financial analyst from Utah. He has been in finance for nearly two decades, having worked as a senior analyst for Wells Fargo Bank for 19 years. After leaving Wells Fargo Bank in 2014, Daniel began a career as a finance consultant, advising companies and individuals on economic policy, labor relations, and financial management. At, Daniel writes about personal finance topics, value estimation, budgeting strategies, retirement planning, and portfolio diversification. Read more on Daniel Smith's biography page. Contact Daniel:

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