How to Make Money Fast in California?

California is a sub-tropical state with warm summers and cold winters. Thanks to the famous film center Hollywood, the worldwide known start-up center Silicon Valley, and all kinds of manufacturing and agricultural industries, California is one of the major economic engines in the United States. Because of that, many people can make money fast because the source of income is on every corner.

How to Make Money Fast in California?

As a heavy tractor-trailer truck driver, you can make money fast in California because strong manufacturers need transportation. This year, the driver’s salary is going up to 75K annually in California. Currently, there is a high demand for this job profile. Additionally, you can work as a tanker driver or a distribution manager by processing inventory and distributing shipments, scheduling drivers, tracking deliveries, and warehouse employees.

If you do not like hard-working job roles, you can provide massage therapy because California has a high demand for this type of service. On the other hand, if you live in California near Silicon Valley, you can find many IT jobs and work for excellent companies.

You can work in Hollywood, California, in various positions, not just acting. There are many opportunities for writers, screenwriters, producers, etc.

Below, you can see the top-paying jobs in California:

California best paying jobs

Make money online in California by working from home.

The best ways to make extra money in 2020. are freelance jobs based on new advanced platforms (programming in a new language, working in keyword research on SemRush or Ahref), programming in Python, online teaching using Skype or Viber on any online communication tool, and offline jobs where you can use the preferred skill. Affiliate business is still the most common way to make extra money but in 2020. you can try to promote new brands, new companies, and their products and be one of the first in the industry. Passive income is another good way to earn money in 2020 because you can slowly and patiently make it while you sleep. The passive income can be generated from website development, content creation, online trading, YouTube channel creation, etc.

Almost every country has the technology, and the new generation is more capable of working on technology, and they know how to tackle it. Like they are so much into it, unlike us, the not-so-old and not-young generation, we need to learn and then apply tech-based techniques to our work.

BUT! You can make extra money in a ton of ways. Still, millions are working through the internet and earning side income. You might not believe that some people earn much money just from the internet from home.

The following are ways to earn side income. The plus point is that you can make one of them your main job and generate as much as you want.

  • Use writing skills for side income.

The first and most excellent, or some might consider this quite an easy job, too, is blog writing. Once you know how to write and make sense of your content or article, your work will never be rejected by anyone. You can write, and as much as you register, your typing speed will increase if it is not enough to write more pieces in a day.

With your average typing speed, you can create 3 to 4 articles in a day. This is the best option, as far as I can see.

It is like talking to others through your words; you can express your feelings and experience, whether good or bad, or write some morally based article, any tech article business, or guidance. Thousands and thousands of options are here available for you to write.

If you are unfamiliar with writing or patterns, take the example of what you read right now. You can also search the top articles or blogs online, copy them and type them as your practice; afterward, you will know how and what to write. Just brainstorm new ideas, which will be good, too.

The earning process is quite simple; after you write an article, you can publish it on Amazon or sell it on freelancing sites. You can see the complete details of how to earn from freelancing in the other article.

You might be thinking about how much you can earn from writing; the answer is that you can earn as much as you write. For example, you can choose your price. You can charge 10 dollars for 1 article or trust 7 dollars for 1000 words you type.

  • You can write an ebook or novel for side income.

If we talk about ebooks or novels, you can rest assured of your income because this is very much in trend, and you can generate money quickly.

Nothing in this world comes free of cost; you must do it one way or another, so ebook writing might seem easy, but it demands time and focus. If you want to make more money, more time and focus must be invested.

In ebook or novel writing, you need to plot the structure of any story and work on it until you improve your last mistake. Then, publish it on Amazon at your desired price. You can also try publishing your work on Facebook or other social media sites.

You have to upload the cover, and after the payment verification, you can send the entire ebook or novel. The other plus point is that your ebook or book can be used to make vlogs or short videos, and you can also write for the media industry. This field is a highly-paid industry. Media earns and sounds a lot from entertainment.

  • Freelancing

The next is freelancing, which is entirely related to blog writing or the writing field. You have to create your profile after signing up to any site you want; I recommend Upwork and Fiverr because of their reliability.

The process is simple: You need to sign up and create your profile, upload your work samples there, and start looking for a project with which your capabilities are compatible.

There are hundreds of projects popping up every minute. Select the project you want to work on and send your proposal to the client. After getting a response, start your work, and do not forget to update your payment method.

  • Teach online

Nowadays, teaching online is one of the most affordable ways to earn extra. Many students are learning online, and they need coaching. This is the time to make it in this way. You can also help students and guide them regarding their exam patterns, how to study at home, and how to maintain their focus.

With the sudden shift of education regularly to online classes in primary and high school, even graduates want guidance about how to take exams.

It is an easy job for you if you know the answers to their concerns. If you do not know the answers, you can do some research. Ado some sk as seniors or peers as possible to make a satisfactory conclusion to help them. After that, you can create your profile on Facebook or any social media site you have that is popular in your country and go for it.

The more classes you take, the easier it for will be for you to make money. You can charge students less and ask them to gather more of their partners or class fellows to the class. This way, you will have more students, and you can market your teaching service entirely in this way.

It is not necessary to teach only books. You can also start giving coaching regarding anything you want, like the skills you know or are an expert in. For example, if you are good at cooking or making crafts, you can teach your target group of students.

  • Teach your language to others who are interested.

As we can see, companion searching is for multi-linguistic employees. So, to reach this level, many young people are saving this time to learn persuasive language at much cheaper charges. So, if you know any other speech or your mother language is influential, like Russian, Spanish, or French, you can take this chance to earn a side income.

Once you start this, you will gain the experience to continue this job and earn more money.

  • Cook lunch for the office.

Cooking is the second profit-giving field that pays off double the money you spend in California. For example, if you like to cook and spend 50 dollars on buying ingredients, you will be earning 100 dollars with 50 dollars as a profit.

It is simple: You buy ingredients, but after cooking, you can make 6 to 10 servings from those ingredients and sell them at the average price, and you will still get double the amount.

So, this is another way to make money, though it is not so simple to cook for such servings, and it will take fundamental skills, too. After that, you can take the contract of any office or home for delivering lunch only to make a side income.

  • Take surveys as a way to make extra money.

If you are homey, making money is also possible in its prime. It would help if you merely spent one hour taking online surveys. One survey gives around 30 to 40 questions, and you get paid 5 dollars for each survey. If you efficiently fill out surveys, you can solve 3 to 4 surveys each day and make a decent side income through this.

This is not an option to rely upon for too long; it is just for the side income.

Sell extra stuff around your home as a side hustle idea.

If you do not have another hour to spare, you can make some extra money by selling some of your extra stuff at home.

There are tons of unnecessary things that are for nothing; you can sell them at half their original price and buy the necessary stuff.

The other better option for selling your stuff is your clothes. In one season, you buy new clothes, and before the season ends, try to sell them rather than keep them for the following year. This will generate extra money, and in the next season, you can buy new trendy clothes. This will save you time packing them and placing them in your closet, and it will also save much of your space in your house.

Walking the pets or training them is one of the ways to make extra money.

You can walk other pets for an hour a day and charge them for it. Now, the question that comes here is how you can start. That is quite a simple start-up in your area.

Suppose your neighbors are pet owners, then great! Ask them about taking their pets on a walk and settle the charges you will take from them.

You can also ask your friends and coworkers.

There are a few limitations that will be in the way, too, like a rainy day and you cannot take the pet on a walk, or if pets are sick or they might not get friendly with you, these things are there to overcome.

Every task or work you do to earn money will not be easy. There will be hurdles you need to settle yourself with them.

Rent extra rooms or a garage for additional money.

The other best option is renting out your extra home space. This is a way of earning, and you barely have to do anything. Just follow some steps. The first is to clean out the room, and the second is to make a legal contract for some security purpose, with no illegal activities allowed.

There you go!


Savings are the last option. But based on my experience, savings are the first option if you want some extra money; you can save a lot of money by not spending it on unnecessary wants.

You can save the following:

1- By cutting down your cable and using the internet on cell phones.

2- Eat at home and save money that you spend on dinners outside.

3- Stay in one room and save on electricity bills

4- Shop from the local market rather than spending money on expensive things

5- Do not spend much on clothes for every season.

6- Try to have fun without spending money on entertainment.


Daniel Smith

Daniel Smith

Daniel Smith is an experienced economist and financial analyst from Utah. He has been in finance for nearly two decades, having worked as a senior analyst for Wells Fargo Bank for 19 years. After leaving Wells Fargo Bank in 2014, Daniel began a career as a finance consultant, advising companies and individuals on economic policy, labor relations, and financial management. At, Daniel writes about personal finance topics, value estimation, budgeting strategies, retirement planning, and portfolio diversification. Read more on Daniel Smith's biography page. Contact Daniel:

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