Money Making Rituals

Sometimes, early in the morning, I visit the food market. A lot of people from the village sell their food. When I buy rice from one guy, he always performs one ritual. If I were the first customer, he would kiss the paper bill I gave him. This is his money ritual.

As we are made to be social creatures, sapiens are all about mindfulness and habit. They inherently create rituals in day-to-day life, whether they are a need or useless erratically. They turn out counterproductive in the end; it’s upon us how it’s it to be. Money has been a vital entity in the societal chain, and with money, we have encountered various problems. It’s been the same for it; the only cause that entitles the generation is how to gain more and increase the surplus, which is already present or has been inherited. As a result, various rituals have been used by generations and tribes. Among multiple levels, they differed but always had a thing in common: money and its augmentation.

Money rituals are routine for many employees, rich and poor, wearing a specific pendant or doing a particular task before starting the day. Various studies indicate how there’s always belief in supernatural powers and many other atrocities that don’t have any pro don’t them. They have existed in the communities on a societal and personal level, like accepting animals and many body parts to make the gods happy to receive more blessings and wealth.

Financial success, the main objective of people working themselves out, students pushing the boundaries to score a better job that has better pay, and all of this leads to a variety of factors:

1. Pleasing the god
It’s been an ancient tradition and has been followed for generations with the same rules since the start. In Indian culture, Laxmi is considered the goddess of wealth. She has been worshiped since the creation of Hindu culture, and it’s been mentioned in various Hindu scriptures and VVeda. Many Indian Veda respect by doing the rituals on the festival of Diwali every year; mantras are chanted to call the goddess to people’s houses and people with wealth.

2. Money should be shared – karma
We have always been told that what goes around comes around, so there has been long-standing teaching that we should help those in need and people experiencing poverty because it will give us good karma and help people simultaneously. ‘The more we live, the more we will receive.’

3. Respect power is money
The element controlling societies, governments, and people’s prosperity should be given utmost importance, and practices should be the ideal god. An element controlling people’s happiness has been a pride symbol and has been worshiped in many of our cultures. We should never remember that money results from hard work, blood, and sweat, and it’s not a regular. It’s when it’s disrespected its way. There is always said that ‘if you don’t respond the don’t, money won’t stay with you, you won’ actually won’t respect you. Some things have changed, but not from the existing societal funds and ongoing traditions. People follow various billionaires and other business personalities and are always searching for, ‘What does this person do that I don’t? Why is this so successful? ” Some of the everyday rituals of modern-day money magnets are:

1. A to-do list
People in business are expected to have things ongoing all the time, so to tackle that, they note down the list of things they need to do in the very first hours of their day to get them done first thing in the morning. This is what makes them different from the ordinary folks out there.

2. They watch T.V. and read the Financial Times
Binge-watching the shows, spending the nights awake, and then sleeping the next day or ruining it—millionaires don’t do that. They invest their time in financial times, reading the stock prices and various other business deals, entertainment, and dozing around time on it daily.

3. Healthy eaters
With the young population becoming obese day by day, this is the most important thing that has to change in people: the lack of knowledge of what they are eating and how it will turn out for their bodies. Money magnets and millionaires do not usually eat those McDonald’s pizzas; the pizza’s salad counts their calories and burns quite a specific amount of sugar and oils, and you should always try products that I think you should worship before any god.”

4. Never stop learning
Audiobooks, reading books, and many other sources help you to earn the experiences of people who always did what you want to do. There is no need to fail to make wrong decisions, fall into the trap at the end of the day, and regret those moments for the rest of your life. A person’s whole life and the atrocities they had to go through are available on the internet or around you somewhere there is no age of learning. You can always have another point of view. You can be the most successful one day, but that’s not a guarantee that you will fail, so always keep learning.

5. Prioritizing self-improvement
An exciting thing about millionaires is that they don’t always go to money or rush behind the success; there is always room for self-improvement. That’s one of the factors that are lacking in many of the individuals around. It’s always said that you should not believe in increasing your skill for cutting the trees; sometimes, you should take a break to sharpen the saw.”Better brain power, better nutrition, better screen time, and healthy habits have created room for financial success and not unthinkingly following the old mystical enchantments of the millionaire. Situations have ”always been different for different people; rituals are unique to many, just like life, distinctive to everybody.

Daniel Smith

Daniel Smith

Daniel Smith is an experienced economist and financial analyst from Utah. He has been in finance for nearly two decades, having worked as a senior analyst for Wells Fargo Bank for 19 years. After leaving Wells Fargo Bank in 2014, Daniel began a career as a finance consultant, advising companies and individuals on economic policy, labor relations, and financial management. At, Daniel writes about personal finance topics, value estimation, budgeting strategies, retirement planning, and portfolio diversification. Read more on Daniel Smith's biography page. Contact Daniel:

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